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HOME (About our Troop)
Meeting Place
Events Calendar
Eagle Scouts
Former Scoutmasters
Our Scoutmaster
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In Remembrance
Site Map
2005 Events
Leadership Training (Feb)
District Camporee (Apr)
Score-O (Oct)
2004 Events
Realistic First Aid (Jan)
Lake Texoma (Jan)
Pete's Eagle Project
Camporee (Apr)
Natl Grasslands (May)
Carlsbad Caverns (Jun)
Hueco Tanks (Jun)
Summercamp (Jun)
Family Campout (Aug)
Hills & Hollows (Sept)
Score-O (Oct)
Bryan's Eagle Project
12-Points Camp (Dec)
Documents and Links
Moulage Recipes
Program Helps
Troop Campout Planning
Where to go camping
Scout Camps
Leroy Shuman (LHC)
Hills and Hollows (LHC)
Worth Ranch (LHC)
Sid Richardson (LHC)
Tahoya (LHC)
Braley (LHC)
Shuler (LHC)
Billy Sowell/Wisdom (C10)
Constantin (C10)
Cherokee/Meisenbach (C10)
James Ray (C10)
Public Land
LBJ National Grasslands
Mineral Wells State Park
Lake Texoma Hiking
Dinosaur State Park
Private Land (passwd)
Members Only (passwd)
Personal Info
Next Campout Info
Troop Blogsite
Listserver info
Scoutmaster (email)
Webmaster (email)
Hills & Hollows was a campout of basic Scout skills through First Class rank.
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