About our TroopTroop 502 was formed in 1972 and has been providing the Scouting Experience for over 40 years. Our troop has produced 37 Eagle Scouts over the years. We have a proud past, but unfortunately Troop 502 has disbanded. In the 1980's, Scouts from Troop 502 were photographed for stock pictures that were used in the third edition of the Boy Scout Fieldbook and various merit badge pamphlets. The Scouts were also actors in many National BSA movies. Our troop has been featured in local newspapers, and in 2004, our troop was featured in the American Scouting Digest Magazine performing "realistic first aid". Many of Troop 502's Eagle Scouts, (now adults), are in the military, are community leaders, and some are still active in BSA units of their own or active at the District level. It was our goal to continue to have an active and fun outdoor program every month. The boys lead and run the troop on their own, in accordance to BSA rules and guidelines while under the supervision of adult troop leadership. We continue to focus on the BSA programs that the scouts themselves select. Through the Troop, opportunities are provided to the Scouts for summer and winter camp, and summer outings to National BSA High Adventure bases such as Philmont, Florida Sea Base, Northern Tier Canoe Base, and National/World Scout Jamborees. We continue to try to increase the troop's membership to provide the Scouting Experience to more boys. |